Parasites, The Enemy Within This picture is of a live hookworm. And yes, it is a human parasite! With so many people escaping the cold in Ottawa, Ontario and Canada for that matter, heading to the warm environs of the Caribbean islands or Mexico, they have their own double edged sword to deal with. And … Continue →
Attention Deficit “Anthony has a hard time paying attention, daydreaming, not listening, being easily distracted, forgetfulness, inability to stay still, talking too much …..” Those words were found on almost every report card I brought home as a child. And yes, I was guilty of all of the above and more. I can remember sitting … Continue →
Waking Up Maybe it is that I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’s capital and so many people I know work for one of the various governments in this region. Or maybe it is because we have had more snow this Christmas season than in the last 2 years combined. Or maybe it is because we … Continue →
First it was the reports that our daughters are Starting Puberty Earlier. Our Children Hitting Puberty Earlier “More than 10 percent of white 7-year-old girls in the study, which was conducted in the mid-2000s, had reached a stage of breast development marking the start of puberty, compared to just 5 percent in a similar study … Continue →
Sugar is Natural! We live in an artificial world, and that includes artificial sugars. How many times a day do you hear of someone ordering a diet soft-drink? The thinking is that because it is an artificial sugar, such as Aspartame, Splenda, Equal and Saccarin you won’t gain weight, that it is good for you. … Continue →
Is Gluten Sensitivity Fact or Fad? Have you noticed how all of a sudden, “Gluten Free” is the in thing? Gluten Free bread, Gluten Free Soya Sauce, Gluten Free cookies and on and on and on. Health food stores are catering to this trend, as are major grocery stores such as Loblaws (in Canada). And … Continue →
Your Health and Fitness Ever since the article about Eric Bertrand appeared in the Ottawa Sun I have been getting new clients suffering from all sorts of chronic problems. And these people have tried everything, at least everything traditional medicine has offered them. From leg pains (of course) to unexplained fatigue, to the truly extreme … Continue →
It is getting so bad that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, is holding a special conference this May on this epidemic. And what is alarming governments the most is the future costs of this epidemic. “estimates that by 2030, the obesity rate in the U.S. will increase 42 percent from the … Continue →
Well this is a blog post that I wish I wasn’t writing, but since we treat so many people for parasites, here goes. Because of our mild winter this year, the tick season has already started just south of the Canadian border. That means it probably is here in Ontario and Quebec right now. Ticks … Continue →
Every year, especially after spring break, I start to see more and more people with parasitic symptoms coming to see me. Do you have any of the following symptoms of a parasitic infection? Bloating Sudden Weight Loss Sudden Weight Gain Digestive Upset – cramps, diarrhea etc Fatigue Brain Fog Some estimates are that up to … Continue →
Awakening Potentials is a close-knit team of natural health professionals and personal results experts who help individuals improve there health and achieve greater success. We've worked with many thousands of clients since 1979.
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