I love looking after kids, and overall, they seem to like me. Kids are Magical I’ve been looking after this little one for most of his life. Tim is 4 years old now and even though he knows me, he rarely speaks. He just looks at me with those piercing eyes of his and occasionally … Continue →
There is a wide spectrum of what sick is, from simply being run-down to the absolute worst scenarios. And we have seen a lot of children at our office, from new-born infants on up. And the one factor that seems a constant with respect to the health of your child is diet. Sick Kids Diet … Continue →
NBC News is reporting on ” a sobering thought for every cat owner in charge of emptying the litter box: Felines deposit about 1.2 million metric tons of feces into the U.S. environment every year, a new study finds, and all that poop may pose an under-recognized public health hazard.” Cat Poop Has Parasites It … Continue →
What has happened to our bread? Because whether we like it or not, it has changed, and changed dramatically in the last 50 years. Follow this link http://jovialfoods.com/history-timeline.html to see how the wheat we now eat is not the same thing we had only 50 short years ago. Our Daily Bread has changed. Modern wheat … Continue →
Gene Testing If you haven’t already heard about Angelina Jolie’s story about gene testing and her mastectomy, click here. Yes, gene research can reveal a wealth of data about oneself, BUT that is not the whole story. The press, in typical fashion, are only focusing on a tiny part of the whole picture. Yes, there are … Continue →
EliminateSpring Allergies Thank the Lord, Spring has finally arrived here in Ottawa, Ontario. And unfortunately for some poor individuals, that means allergies. There are two main sources of spring allergies right now. Spring Mold from all the snow melt and rotting vegetation. Pollens beginning to fill the air. But there is hope. I have found … Continue →
Can You Eliminate Spring Allergies Spring is here and with the temperatures about to take off, Spring Allergies are poking their heads up. And let’s be real, allergies are no fun and take the enjoyment out of what should be a great time of year. So what to do? If you don’t want to start … Continue →
The Skeptic In Me “Frankly, I’m a little skeptical” are words that I hear on a fairly regular basis. Most often it is a person who has suffered from some chronic problem for years and years. And they keep getting worse, despite everything that medicine has thrown at it. A little girl was brought in … Continue →
Gluten Sensitivity -Why? Everybody and their brother are sensitive to gluten these days. At least it seems to be the case. And grocery stores as well as health food stores are catering to this growing trend. So what exactly is gluten sensitivity and why do so many people have to it? Gluten: This is the protein … Continue →
Health is All About Your Gut We have been saying it for years and now science agrees. No matter your age, if you want to be healthy, you need a healthy gut. New field of medicine called Functional Medicine focuses primarily on your intestinal health. And this is what research has now found; Everyone’s Internal … Continue →
Awakening Potentials is a close-knit team of natural health professionals and personal results experts who help individuals improve there health and achieve greater success. We've worked with many thousands of clients since 1979.
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