Dr. Tony Brunelle and Dr. Marcelle Forget and Neuro Emotional Technique. They have used NET in their Ottawa Ontario practice since 1988. New research shows the power of this tool. From being featured in the TV show Grays Anatomy to the powerful documentary film Stressed, learn how you can be helped to better health and well being. And now you can see the scientific research proving the effects of Neuro Emotional Technique on the Brain.
Diet and Depression Depression is frequently a result of head trauma, but Diet and Depression are also cause and effect. This is exactly what happens when you are on the wrong type of diet. Depression? Yes! Arthritis? Yes! Skin problems? Yes! Bowel problems? yes! Muscle problems? yes! and so on and so on and … Continue →
There is a new tool proving effective in decreasing traumatic stress symptoms in cancer survivors. Dr. Daniel A. Monti, M.D. is currently raising funds for a pilot study to “validate the use of NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) to help cancer survivors become less physiologically reactive to distressing stimuli and to become more capable of choosing … Continue →
Paleo Lunch Ideas! Finally, we’ve had a few moments to take Marcelle’s delicious Melon and Cucumber Soup recipe (originally snapped on Facebook) and share it here with you. This is a quick and easy meal, very tasty, totally good for you and perfect to bring along on a picnic. It might be the first of … Continue →
The September Labour Day weekend is nearly here and many of you will be heading for the cottages. But whether you’re visiting old log cabins or staying at home, we want you to be mold aware this summer. Mold (or Mould) can happen anywhere and for many different reasons. We all react differently, and by … Continue →
Omega-3 is an essential supplement. At our office, we’re often asked: “Which supplements should I be taking?” Well, everyone is different, so we really need to look at your particular needs but Omega-3 supplement would be, for most, at the top of the list. Why? Because our body doesn’t make it and it’s crucial to … Continue →
Protect Yourself From The Flu ~ Flu Shot might be Ineffective~ We had many people coming in lately that have suffered from the flu. So, it’s that time of year for us to help you get proactive. The symptoms of flu come on very quickly, so your best bet is to support your immune system before … Continue →
Whipped Body Butter Dr. Marcelle Forget and Catherine Brunelle show you how to make an all natural “Whipped Body Butter” in this video. At Awakening Potentials, we are all about health naturally and this is an example of how you can do something for yourself that is easy to do, fun to make and good for … Continue →
Gluten Free Crackers Dr. Tony does it again in this, his 3rd Gluten Free video. This time he shows how to make gluten free crackers, that, once the ingredients are assembled, takes 30 minutes from start to finish. Ingredients are as follows: one cup of ground flax seed, two cups of ground almond, 2 tea … Continue →
Gluten Free Spaghetti Yes you can! You can learn how to make nutritious and delicious spaghetti without gluten. And if you don’t tell the kids what you are doing, they won’t even know it is happening to them. That also applies to most husbands I’ve met who seem to think that Gluten Sensitivity is a … Continue →
Awakening Potentials is a close-knit team of natural health professionals and personal results experts who help individuals improve there health and achieve greater success. We've worked with many thousands of clients since 1979.
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