We all do it! We eat when we are not really hungry. Just had supper? Well then, how about a snack while watching TV? It seems that we just can\'t stop the habit of chewing and eating something, even when we may be feeling quite full. So ask yourself, how many calories does it take to watch NCIS, or American Idol? Don\'t know? Take a look at the package of chips, or cookies or popcorn you just ate and you will get an idea. Eating has become part of our recreation activities. Going to a hockey game, get a large coke and a hotdog. Read More ...
Just had this conversation with a few people and it seems that the \"politically correct\" answer is to say that you want to live to 100 or even more. Hollywood certainly seems obsessed with youth, just take a look at Madonna and just think of how hard she must work, not to mention what she is taking and doing to her body to stay young. And then there is Chere. Enough said. Of course, those who say they want to live to Read More
What do you do to give yourself a boost, no matter how down you may be feeling? Getting out of the house, into the sunshine sure works for me. Today, with the winter sun shinning brightly over Ottawa, it just feels so good to get outside and enjoy it. I discovered a long time ago that either you hate winter and then hunker down and wait 4 months for it to end or you do something about it. Read More
Where do I start? It\'s not often that I get excited about something but this is one of those times. So let\'s be real. Many people are hesitant about getting a chiropractic adjustment to help with their headaches, back pain, migraines and more. And that is a real shame because Chiropractic Works, the Results Prove It! For the last number of years... Read More
What is Chiropractic? Chiropractic focuses on joint, muscle and nerve function. It helps restore optimal function of the spine and limbs. The goal is to decrease pain, improve range of motion and improve overall health. The most common mode of therapy utilised by chiropractors is the adjustment. Treatments may also include soft tissue therapies, therapeutic … Continue →
We all want great relationships, so let\'s keep this simple and get right to it. Here are 10 necessities for a good relationship. #1: Successful relationships take work. #2: You can only change yourself, not your partner. #3: All arguments stem from our own fear or pain. #4: Understand that men Read More
Sugar, that staple of our modern diet is actually a very toxic substance. Who would have thought? Isn’t it one of the major food groups? Lets see, there is meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy and sugar. I’m pretty sure it goes like that. A popular New York Times article – Is Sugar Toxic? is presenting a … Continue →
My dad used to say to me, “When you are in s#*! up to your neck, the only thing you can do is smile.” Although I was only a young lad at the time, I thought it was pretty funny and so I remembered it. Which brings me to today’s blog. How many of you feel that your life is out of control? Are You Stuck in Reverse? Can’t Take Control? One woman recently told me how she felt trapped in ... Read More
I had a client come in to see me the other day. This fellow is a high paid lawyer who works for the upper echelons on Parliament Hill here in Ottawa, Ontario. And when you work for the powers that be, whether in the Prime Minister\'s office or one of the mandarins, you have to produce. And you have to be sharp! Like a razor blade, your mind has to be functioning with all cylinders firing. And here was this fellow telling me that he couldn\'t focus. \"I can read the same page over and over again and ... Read More
Awakening Potentials is a close-knit team of natural health professionals and personal results experts who help individuals improve there health and achieve greater success. We've worked with many thousands of clients since 1979.
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