It’s easy to imagine why we’re interested in illness prevention tips. It stems from the shock of diagnosis, whether firsthand or through someone we love. Maybe it was a parent being told they have Alzheimer’s, or a family member taking on cancer, or maybe it’s chronic pain, or fatigue, or kidney failure, or diabetes, or, or, or. Really, there are too many ‘or’s to count . . .
Very often we don’t reflect on the consequences of our actions. Instead, we hope for the best and gamble with our health, leaving tomorrow for tomorrow. Except it builds up, and up, and up. Suddenly you are on the other end of a phone call, receiving results you don’t want to hear.
The very least we can do is give ourselves the best chance possible to live well. Right? We deserve that much. Bad habits are fleeting comforts with damaging results. Good habits build your body’s foundation for functioning well, and leave you feeling great.
With this in mind, here are our top illness prevention tips for building GOOD habits, and ditching the bad ones. These are tips to encourage within your family’s day-to-day life. If it can become ‘normal’ it can become easy. And easy is a good thing, we know. 🙂
Here are 8 tips for building good habits and preventing illness:
1. Reflect on the consequences of your actions when faced with a bad habit, let go of judging yourself instead put your energy into correcting your course of action.
2. Drink plenty of good quality water. This is simple, drink up! Make yourself a jug with organic mint and lemons – then it’ll feel like a spa-like treat.
3. Remove all refined/artificial sugars from your diet. This gets way easier once you’ve been at it for a couple weeks, I promise. Swap touches of honey or coconut sugar instead of white sugar, and then see if you can reduce those sugars too.
4. Decrease/remove junk food, start by swapping your favourite treats for something similar but also healthier. Maybe instead of potatoes chips, you try beet chips, or baked kale – so yummy.
5. Exercise regularly: these are the program we love to use. Peak 8 exercise from Dr. Mercola and The Foundation Training Program.
6. Meditate or do some stress release technique everyday. This is about making time for you. And if you can’t do that, then make an appointment with us, and we’ll help you make you a priority! 🙂
7. Bring more happiness into your life. Maybe it’s a game night, or a special date, or maybe it’s your favourite sweater that matches your eyes so well.
8. And number 8 – a big one that has been eye-opening for us and our practice:
Complete the 23andme test to find out how to support the needs of your body. We can use those result to track how the body is functioning via methylation, and it’s fascinating stuff. Couple that with energy medicine, functional medicine, supplementation and consulting – and watch out for awesome habit creation!
Don’t forget this list: print it, post it, add it, whatever ‘it’ you need to keep such simple (yet easily forgotten steps) in your mind.
We know this stuff is hard. We don’t mean ‘having fun is hard’ – we mean stopping the bad habits, remembering self-care, and paying attention to prevent the illnesses that scare us. We are here for you, don’t forget that.
If you think you can do any of these points on the list, let us know in the comments. If you think some are too overwhelming, let us know that too. Or if you have some others illness prevention tips working very well for you, share them with us. We want to hear from you.
To Your Health & Success!
Marcelle & Tony
Want to meet with Marcelle or Tony? They want to meet you too ;
Awakening Potentials is a health & lifestyle practice coupling the chiropractic, methylation, supplementation, energy system and a deep understanding of how our bodies are wired into our emotions. Come say hi with our initial two-consultation offer.
Awakening Potentials is a close-knit team of natural health professionals and personal results experts who help individuals improve there health and achieve greater success. We've worked with many thousands of clients since 1979.
© 1979 - 2025 - Awakening Potentials